Our Services
All general practice services including:
Get in TouchWe are a Specialist General Practice dedicated to providing whole-person care.
For an appointment, please call us on (02) 9311 9311 |
Making an appointment
Consultations are generally by appointment. Standard consultation time is typically 15 minutes – please let the reception know at the time of booking if you would like a longer appointment. Please note: special assessments, care plans and Allied Health referrals under Medicare require significantly more time than 15 minutes (often 45minutes), so please inform the receptionist.
If you are unwell, please tell the receptionist who will alert our practice nurse. Our nurse is qualified to assess the urgency of your illness and may liaise with the doctor to determine when you are seen. The doctor will endeavour to see patients who are unwell as soon as possible, but this depends on the nature and severity of the illness.
To cancel appointments, please call at least 24 hours before the appointment so another patient can be seen in your place.
If you are unwell, please tell the receptionist who will alert our practice nurse. Our nurse is qualified to assess the urgency of your illness and may liaise with the doctor to determine when you are seen. The doctor will endeavour to see patients who are unwell as soon as possible, but this depends on the nature and severity of the illness.
To cancel appointments, please call at least 24 hours before the appointment so another patient can be seen in your place.
gpmaroubra is a private billing practise committed to providing high-quality health care to all members of the community. Billing takes into account both the time spent and the complexity of the consultation with each patient.
For more information about our fees, please speak to reception or our practice manager.
Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card.
For more information about our fees, please speak to reception or our practice manager.
Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card.
Home visits will be considered under exceptional circumstances to patients registered with our practice. Nursing Home visits are offered to patients who have been registered with our practice, move into a local nursing home and are unable to continue to visit the centre.
After-hours medical care
If you require medical care after hours, please phone Sydney Medical Service on 1300 Home GP or 8724 6300. In emergencies, ring 000 for an ambulance.
Test Results
Test results cannot be given over the telephone unless prior arrangements have been made with your doctor. As test results are an essential part of your medical care and may need an explanation, please make an appointment to see your doctor.
Contacting your doctor
For health advice, please make an appointment with your doctor or visit our website www.gpmaroubra.com.au. For urgent matters, please contact reception and ask to speak to Brett – our practice manager. If Brett is unavailable, a message will be taken, and the call returned at the first available opportunity.
Medical certificates are legal documents and are only permitted if you present for consultation with a doctor with a valid reason for work absence. We cannot issue certificates retrospectively.
Your GP at gpmaroubra is a specialist in complete patient care. Your GP is qualified to determine, in collaboration with you, whether you need to see a hospital specialist, and which type of specialist would best meet your health needs. For this reason, you must make an appointment to see your GP for any referral to a hospital specialist. Please note that we are not permitted by law to back-date specialist referrals, so please ensure that you have a current referral before you see the specialist.
We may send you a reminder notice from time to time, offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system, please let your doctor or reception know.
We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. If you have any concerns, we would like to hear from them. Please talk to us directly, or you may prefer to write or use our suggestion box.
The NSW Dept of Health, Health Care Complaints Commission (Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills 2012. Ph 1800 043 159), is available if you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint.
The NSW Dept of Health, Health Care Complaints Commission (Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills 2012. Ph 1800 043 159), is available if you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint.
Please ask us if you would like professional help to quit.
gpmaroubra is a Clinical Teaching School and is committed to the training of the next generation of GP’s and medical students. The practice will sometimes have students working with the doctors or nurse. Please inform reception if you do not want a student present during your consultation.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is practice policy to maintain the security of personal health information at all times.